Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions about 今日看料. Please refer to this list or the sub menu to the left for more essential information about 今日看料. Should a question you have not be answered here then please do not hesitate to contact us via our听contact page.
How do I get to 今日看料?
The school is located on Ryhope Road in south Sunderland. We can be reached from the A19 Northbound via the Ryhope turnoff or via the A690 by following the signs for Grangetown. We are located just down the road from Sunderland town centre, including the Park Lane Bus and Metro interchange. For precise directions please consult the map located on the contact page.
Is there parking?
Parking for visitors is available for visits on site, however spaces are very limited. Guests are asked to please use the intercom at the barrier on the main drive to gain access, please follow the signs from there. Visitors must report to reception through the Visitor Entrance adjacent to the car park. Parents are requested to not drop off their children beyond the barrier.
Is there a place where I can drop off my child?
There is no dedicated place to drop off your child at 今日看料. We ask that you please take care and observe proper road safety should you decide to drop off your child on Ryhope Road as this road does get busy at the beginning and end of the school day. 今日看料 does not accept any responsibility for any injury incurred outside of the school entrance. Parents are requested not to attempt to drop off their children beyond the road barrier at the main entrance.
What time is school open?
The pupil entrance is open from 7:30am onwards. The pupil entrance closes at 4:30pm. School office hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Where can I obtain school uniform from?
School Uniform Elizabeth鈥檚 Embroidery, 8 鈥 10 Richardson Rd, , Stockton-on-Tees , TS18 3LJ. T: 01642 674973
You can place orders for our school uniform via
Is there disability access?
Yes, though this can be limited in some areas due to the age of our buildings. We have taken special care to cater for the needs of children with disabilities. All pupil entrances have been made wheelchair accessible as is our visitor entrance and main hall. Should you require disability access we recommend you contact the school prior to your visit so we can arrange to cater to your needs.
What if my child looses something?
The first port of call should be pupil reception. Our pupil reception staff will then check the lost and found for any missing items. House leaders are also available to help locate any missing valuables.
What equipment will my child need?
Please refer to the ‘Equipment and School Rules’ page in the ‘Parents’ Drop down menu.
What is the school's bad weather policy?
Should the school be closed due to bad weather or for any other reason we will inform you via text if you have signed up to our text messaging service or via our Classcharts app. We will also announce any closures on the front page of this website, through our official social media pages and the local radio stations. Unless specifically stated otherwise through the above official methods, then school is presumed to be open as usual on any given weekday.
Is my child allowed to bring their mobile phone?
Mobile phones and other mobile devices are not permitted to be seen or used within school boundaries. Any phone seen will be confiscated and need to be collected from Pupils Reception at the end of the day. The school does not accept any responsibility for the loss, theft or damage to any mobile phone or other item whatsoever. Pupils may keep a phone hidden and switched off in their bags or blazers but due to safeguarding reasons, it may not be used on the school premises. Should you urgently need to contact your child during the school day please contact the school directly.
Can my child wear jewellery?
Students should not wear any type of jewellery, however, we do recommend they wear an inexpensive wristwatch for good time keeping. Piercings are not allowed.
Can my child wear make up to school?
They may wear make up, however, it must be subtle and not easily noticed. Eye lash extensions, gel or fake nails and fake tan should not be worn. Hair decorations, unnatural hair colours or styles are not allowed.
What if I know my child is going to be late for school?
Being on time is very important to your child鈥檚 education and welfare. School starts at 8:30am and children should be on site by then. In conjunction with the Local Authority鈥檚 Education Welfare Officer, we closely monitor lateness and will contact you if the problem persists. However, if you are late arriving at school your child must report to main reception before going to lessons. You should also contact us before 8:30am to let us know of any delays with your child’s arrival.
What if I鈥檓 late picking up?
If you intend to pickup up your child from school but are unavoidably delayed please let the school office know as soon as possible and we will let your child know of any delay in your arrival should you not have the means todo so yourself. Please note, it is not possible for the school to ensure the safety of your child after they have left the site.
How do I pay for school meals?
At 今日看料 we use biometric fingerprint recognition for children to pay for their school meals. This is a cashless system that allows children to purchase lunches through the use of their fingerprints. The amount they spend is deducted from an account which can be paid into by parents via our ‘parent pay’ system. Free School Meals recipients will receive top-up funds automatically.
Can I keep my child off for a non-medical reason?
Children are in school for 185 days a year, allowing 180 days to enjoy outings and holidays. It is a myth that parents are entitled to take their children out of school for two weeks per year. The Head Teacher will only authorise any non-medical leave on compassionate grounds (e.g. visiting relatives abroad for a funeral, etc). Term-time holidays will never be agreed and these absences will be treated as unauthorised. Such unauthorised absences are monitored closely by the Education Welfare Officer and fines can be imposed for persistent offenders.
When will my child eat and what will they be eating?
Lunchtime for Year 7 & 8 is听12:00pm 鈥 12.40pm
Lunchtime for Year 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 is听1:00pm 鈥 1:40pm
Pupils in Years 7 – 11 are not permitted to leave the school site during lunchtimes.
Can my child bring a packed lunch?
Yes. We encourage pupils to eat their packed lunches in our school restaurant.
Will my child be permitted out for lunchtime?
No student is permitted to leave the school premises unless authorised. We do not allow any year group in the lower school (Years 7-11) to leave at break or lunchtimes. Only sixth form students are permitted offsite for lunchtimes.
Why has my child won a Headteacher鈥檚 award?
Teachers and other members of staff nominate children for these awards and citations for each award can be seen on the certificate we will send to you through the post. They will also be featured in our weekly Southmoor Blog.
What should I do if I am concerned about my son or daughter?
The school is very helpful and friendly to parents who have any concern, however large or small, though sometimes teachers are busy and difficult to get hold of. We recommend you contact the school office and ask to speak to our office manager, she will then put you in touch with the correct member of staff for your situation.
What support is available if my son or daughter is struggling?
At 今日看料 we have a dedicated team of learning support tutors and house leaders ready to help with any problems your child might have with their education. Please contact the school office and briefly outline your concerns and they will arrange for you to be put in touch with the correct member of learning support.
How do I keep up-to-date with everything happening at Southmoor?
This website is an excellent resource for news and upcoming events. We try our best to keep it as up-to-date as possible. Should there be any important announcements we will do our best to contact you via text, email, phone or letter. The best way to receive up-to-date news and events is to sign up to our school blog.
What do I do if my child is ill?
We expect a high level of attendance and good punctuality from all pupils and look for the support of parents in ensuring that their child benefits from the full range of opportunities at Southmoor. If absence is unavoidable parents are asked to inform us of the reason and the likely duration on the first day of absence. Good attendance and punctuality are vital for education to be effective. Our procedures for dealing with poor punctuality and unnecessary absence from school are rigorous. 鈥ㄢ [br][/br] There are, unfortunately, no facilities in school for dealing with pupils who are ill. If pupils become unwell during the school day parents will be contacted and asked to arrange to have them taken home.
Will my child receive Homework?
Homework is an essential part of the curriculum and is recorded in the pupil planner. Parents are requested to do all that they can to encourage pupils to complete work on time and take pride in it. There are study support facilities in school for pupils to do homework before the school day, at lunchtime and after school. Pupils have access to a wide variety of resources including multimedia computers, word processors, the internet, reference and fiction book collections and photocopiers. The Reading Suite can be used for homework completion or research in a supportive and relaxed atmosphere. Wednesday afternoon鈥檚 also allow time for enrichment activities which can involve additional study or homework completion in a supportive environment. Students and parents also have access to ‘‘ , an online tool designed to make tracking and managing homework easy.